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Presentation of the activities of the IISC to government institutions and representatives of diplomatic missions in Bulgaria.

One of the intentions of the International Institute for Security and Cooperation has been the preparation of a booklet - a collection of the reports of the participants in the Round Table in Moscow in Bulgarian, Russian and English. Our modest ambition is to present it to the European Parliament and the European Commission, to the representative bodies and kind hosts of the event in Moscow - the Russian Federation, in the Kingdom of Spain in its capacity of country presiding over the European Union this year, to government and other institutions working in the fields of activities of the IISC. To give effect to this endeavor, the management of IISC organized and held in Sofia in early 2010 a series of meetings where have been widely discussed the results of the Round Table in Moscow.

On 7 January 2010 the first meeting was held in the European Commission Representation in Bulgaria. Host of the meeting was Ms Zinaida Zlatanova, Head of representation. From side of the IISC was meeting attended by Mr. Rumen Petkov and Mr. Kamen Penkov. The objective of the meeting was the presentation of the status, objectives and composition of the IISC, a brief retrospect of the events of the working agenda of the Institute at present. Main focus in the conversation between both managements was the possibility of cooperation on the part of Mrs. Zlatanova in presenting the second printed edition of IISC: "Drugs and terrorism: the global threat" before the European Parliament and European Commission. Discussions were conducted with the assistance of the Bulgarian Ambassador in Brussels.

On January 8, 2010 were held successively two meetings with the kind management of IISC. The first meeting was with representatives of the Spanish Embassy in Bulgaria. The meeting was upheld by the presence of the Ambassador of Spain in Bulgaria HE. Jorge Fuentes, Deputy Head of Mission, Ms Carmen Gonzalez de Amezua and Home Affairs Attaché Mr. Pedro Hernandez Sereseda.

In his opening address Mr. Petkov congratulated HE. Mr. Fuentes and his colleagues with the coming Spanish Presidency of the European Union. Was marked the very precise and clear definition postulated in the policy priorities of the Kingdom of Spain to the EU in the global economic crisis, which makes chairing one of the most demanding formulation of the mechanism of governance. Again was emphasized the strategic role of Bulgaria and its foreign policy on EU enlargement and the Schengen area, an issue that has been paid much attention to the speech of Mr. Fuentes to the Bulgarian media. During the meeting Mr Petkov outlined its main objectives: presentation of our organization through selected materials for this purpose; a brief information sheet of basic events and achieved concrete results for the period from the establishment of the institute at present, and a disk with reports and materials with an analytical nature - an assessment of the condition and perspectives, subject of discussion during the Round Table in Moscow. Was outlined the proposal of the Russian hosts the Forum to be held annually and to seek expansion of the form, which reiterates one more time the importance of the topic discussed internationally. Namely this decision has provoked the issue of a reports' collection, statements and materials from the Round Table, which will be the second printed edition of IISC. Mr. Petkov stressed that in terms of the Presidency of Spain at this time, the specificity of experience in fighting terrorism, it would be appropriate if there is an opportunity to present this booklet and to realize a serious discussion on the Spanish territory as well, exchanging relevant information and experience in this field. In such discussion a number of experts of our Institute would be ready to participate.

On January 8, 2010 was held another important meeting - with representatives of the U.S. Embassy in Bulgaria. From Bulgarian side took part Mr Petkov, Mr. Penkov and Mr.Yonov. To their kind invitation responded: Mr. Thomas Huey, Head of Security, Mr. Akop Peshtimaldzhyan, Senior Security Assistant, Mr Luke Johnson, Secretary for Political Affairs and Ms Radostina Mihalkova, Assistant for Legal Affairs of U.S. Embassy. In addition to comprehensive information presented on the Round Table in Moscow, accompanied with concrete materials from the event, and an overview of the activities of the institute at the time of its creation, the management of IISC held a discussion with his guests on the importance and priority to political and security issues in Bulgaria. Topics of the discussion were the recommendations of the IISC concerning Bulgaria future needs in combating terrorism, border security and cooperation with our neighbors, and in particular with Turkey; recommendations for improving the inspection of goods with possible dual purpose in Bulgaria; assessment on border security in the region in view of the Schengen criteria. The conversation took place exchanging useful and competent information on the topics.

On February 3, 2010 in Sofia was held a meeting with representatives of the Embassies of the Republic of Turkey in Bulgaria.

At the kind invitation of Mr. Petkov and Mr. Penkov from the Turkish Embassy responded: His Excellency Mr. Mehmet Gudjuk, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey and Mr. Murat Dikmen, First Secretary of the Turkish Embassy. The meeting went extremely fruitful as hosts stated in full, by selected documentation, the status, structure and activities of the Institute for the period from its inception to the present. Particular attention was given to a series of roundtables held at the initiative of the IISC in 2008 on the topic "Trafficking in Human Beings: Time for action". The guests was proposed the first edition of the IISC: a collection of analysis and reports which were presented during these forums. Emphasis was placed on the final international event of the Institute: a round table entitled "Drugs and terrorism: a global threat", held in Moscow on 9 and 10 of December, 2009. Mr. Petkov noted as one of the upcoming tasks for the Institute the preparation and publication of the second printed edition, which will compile discussion materials from this forum in three sections: English, Russian and Bulgarian. The intention of the Board of the IISC is to present this collection to a wider forum, namely the European Commission; a presentation in Madrid, Spain, in view of its presidency in the European Parliament; presentation in Moscow, kindly hosted the event and of course in Bulgaria. Mr. Petkov said that immediately after printing the edition, it will be referred to the kind attention of His Excellency Mr. Gudjuk, and initially top material will be provided on CD.

During the conversation it became clear that one of the promoters for the establishment of the IISC and its founder is Mr. Abdulkadir Aksu. As a former Interior Minister of Turkey, he had the opportunity for an expanded cooperation with the Board of IISC, who also held similar positions in Bulgaria at that time. Considering the desire and the need to revitalize the work of the Institute, respectively, future events with the active participation of representatives of the Institute from different countries, Mr Petkov stated his intention to expand the composition of the Turkish representation. He referred to the fact that lately Mr. Aksu was extremely busy with public and state activities, considering its new status after the elections: member of the Grand National Assembly and Vice-chairman of one of the parties. Therefore he proposed to the representatives of Turkey to discuss with Mr Aksu and other public institutions the opportunity, as a partner of IISC, to seek a similar non-governmental organization, possessing the appropriate competence and activity, considering the future commitments of the Institute. In this regard, Mr. Petkov talked about the expressed willingness of Spain, Serbia and France for future candidates for members of the IISC.

Mr. Gudjuk undertook to inform the competent authorities of Turkey about the meeting held with the Board of IISC, about the provided materials as well as about the request for a non-governmental organization as a partner. He promised to focus on representatives of non-governmental organizations, which have similar activities in Turkey and in the short term to back reply to the request.

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