On 25.02.2010, the University for National and World Economy hosted a Round table entitled: "Policy and Strategy for Combating Human Trafficking". The event was organized under the first phase of the research project of the Department "National and Regional Security" and the Center for Strategic Studies in Defense and Security (CSSDS) of the University for National and World Economy on the theme "Socio-economic aspects of human trafficking". The study was financed by the fund of scientific information of the University for National and World Economy.
Human trafficking is a serious crime and lucrative business, revenues from which are estimated on a world scale at around 30 billion dollars annually, said in opening the Round table the Assoc.D-r Mr. Dimitar Dimitrov, Head of department "National and Regional Security" of the University for National and World Economy. The forum was attended by HE Ms. Tove Skarsteyn, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway in Bulgaria, Mr. Rumen Petkov, Chairman of the General Assembly of the International Institute for Security and Cooperation (IISC), Dr. Svetoslav Spassov, Advisor to the Prime Minister of Bulgaria, Mr. Kamen Penkov, Associate Professor and Doctor, Chief Executive Officer of the IISC, and representatives of academic leadership, researchers from the NGOs in the country, professors from the Department "National and regional security" and
other leading departments of the University for National and World Economy, students in "Economics of defense and security".
At the Round table was presented as well the book "Trafficking in human beings: socio-economic aspects" issued by the "National and regional security" Department and the Center for Strategic Studies in Defense and Security of the University for National and World Economy. In the book were published the results of the first intermediate stage of the project "Socio-economic aspects of human trafficking". The book analyzes the socio-economic aspects of trafficking, examines the reasons for the existence of this negative phenomenon, summarizing research experience in this area and the experience of the countries in Europe, USA and Canada to fight it. Authors of the publication are professors
and graduate students from the "National and regional security" Department and fourth year students of the specialty "Economics of Defense and Security".
With this forum and the research work on this important issue, the "National and regional security" Department is staying true to itself. Characteristic for this department is that since its establishment it worked on projects in which students actively participate. And this is particularly important: we see in them our future followers, said in opening the Round table, PhD Marcho Markov, Vice-rector of the University.
Twenty-three reports were exported from forth year students during the afternoon session of student Scientific Session. They have analyzed specific aspects of international institutions and national policies to fight human trafficking. "A very serious and responsible scientific analysis in order to reach comprehensive and adequate measures", determined the scientific research Mr. Rumen Petkov, who argued that it is crucial this product to reach the Bulgarian community, and not to stay "closed" in academic circles. The "idea of the "National and Regional security" Department is extremely useful and expedient, but its development must be brought to the attention of the other five departments of the Faculty", stressed the Professor and Doctor of Economic Sciences Mr. Hristo Parvanov, Dean of the faculty "Economics of infrastructure".
Participants in the Round table heard with interest the speech of HE. Tove Skarsteyn concerning initiatives of the Government of the Kingdom of Norway in the fight against human trafficking, who started seven years ago his first action plan to counteract this phenomenon of crime.
At a ceremony at the end of the event, the Professor and Dr. Stefan Christoff, Director of the Center for Strategic Studies in Defense and Security of the University for National and World Economy handed to the fourth year students in the specialty "Economics of defense and security" certificates for participation in the first stage of the research project.