Governing Board

Goran Yonov, Bulgaria

Chairmen of the Governing Board of the IISC \2013 - 2017\

Born on 13 March 1947 in Septemvri city, district of Pazardjik. He graduated from First High School English Language in Sofia and graduated from University of National and World Economics. After graduation he entered the Ministry of Foreign Trade as chief of division in "Balkan countries" Unit. Later held a position in "Balkanturist" company. He was appointed "Balkanturist" company representative in Athens. Goran Yonov began his diplomatic career in 1988 as chief of division in "Forth" Unit, and later was appointed as advisor in the Bulgarian Embassy in London, UK and as expert in "International Organizations" Department. He also headed the Human Resources Department and served as a Minister Plenipotentiary in the Bulgarian Embassy in the Hague. Goran Yonov joined a number of delegations for the UN General Assembly sessions and other bodies of the World Organization. Also, he was an assistant to "Ivan Bashev" Foreign Policy Institute and had publications there. In 1997, upon his return from the Netherlands Goran Yonov joined the private sector first as a consultant on EU projects and programs, then he headed Human Resources Department of "Drujba" AD - Plovdiv and was appointed "IPOMA" AD Executive Director. In 2004, with a presidential decree, Yonov was accredited Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Bulgaria to Stockholm, Sweden. Upon his return from Sweden, he was appointed Deputy-Minister in the Ministry of Interior and held that position until July 2008. Goran Yonov is a member of the Bulgarian Diplomatic Society Management Board and Bulgarian Association for International Relations leadership. Fluent in Greek, Russian and English. From 15th of October 2008 he was elected to the Governing Board of the International Institute for Security and Cooperation.

Prof. Dr. Svetla Toshkova, Bulgaria

Vice - chairman of the Governing Board of the IISC

Svetla Toshkova is Ph.D. in Economics and is a Professor at the UNWE. Born in Sofia, she has graduated the High Economics Institute in Sofia and has specialized in the Leningrad Institute of Finance and Economics, in the Economics Chamber in Vienna, the Institute of Management and Managerial Practice in Linz (Austria) and the Management and Transport Logistics Educational Center - port Barcelona (Spain). She is the author of monographs in the field of economic theories and economic alternatives, theories on economic management and the human factor in management. She has run courses at the Bulgarian-French Management Center MARCOM - Sofia, the Sofia Management Institute, the Bourgas free University. From 1990 to 1994 she was Vice Dean at the Foreign and Post Graduate Students' Dean's Office at the UNWE. From 1995-1997 she was Deputy Minister for Economics and Finances at the Ministry of Transport. From 15th of October 2008 she was elected to the Governing Board of the International Institute for Security and Cooperation.

Prof. Dr. Kamen Penkov PhD, Bulgaria

CEO of the IISC

Born on 5 November 1953 in Sofia. In 1983 he graduated from Higher School of Interior "G.Dimitrov", II Faculty and earned master degree at the South West University "Neofit Rilski", Faculty of Law and History in 2001. In 2005 he holds Doctor degree and in 2008 he became an Associate Professor of "Organization and management outside the sphere of material production" (National Security). Mr. Penkov has ran as well lecture courses and leaded seminars in administrative law of the national security at the Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar" and the South-West University "Neofit Rilski" in Blagoevgrad. He joined also the State Board of Examiners when conducting state examinations and protection of diploma theses of students from the Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar"where he is a time lecturer on the academic discipline in Police Law. He has 16 scientific publications on issues of combating crime. In 2004 he was elected actual member of the Russian Academy of Safety, Defense and Public Order. He is member of the World Academy of Sciences in complex safety. During the period 1976 - 1990 he worked in  the structures of the Ministry of Interior. In 1991 he founded the Security Agency Scorpio and up to 2000 was its president. During the period 2005 - 2008 he was appointed a Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Interior. He is married with four children. From 15th of October 2008 he was elected CEO of the International Institute for Security and Cooperation Board.

Liubomir Mihajlovski, Macedonia

Member of the Governing Board of the IISC

Liubomir Mihajlovski is a politician, a jurist and a long-police officer of Macedonian Republic. Born on December 10, 1954 in Skopje  ex-Yougoslavja. In 1980 graduated from the University of Skopje, Faculty of Law. In the period 1981 - 1983 worked as a market and labor inspector in Municipality Center Council, Skopjie. From 1983 to 1999 was under-secretary in the Ministry of Interior where held a number of positions over the years. In this Ministry he also served as an inspector in the Management Operations at the Council of Internal Affairs of Skopje, as inspector to fight crime, senior inspector to fight crime, senior inspector for illicit trade in drugs, head of the General Crime Unit, head of Sector, Assistant Deputy Minister of the Interior Ministry office in the criminal and head of the Internal Affairs Management in Ohrid, Kichevo, Debar and Struga. During the period 2000 - 2002 worked as attorney and since 2 December 2002 headed the Customs Administration. From December 2004 to August 2006 served as Minister of Internal Affairs of Macedonia Republic. Since October 15, 2008 he was elected to the Governing Board of the International Institute for Security and Cooperation.

A Reserve Officer, General Valentin Petrov, Bulgaria 

Member of the Governing Board of IISC

Born in 1959 in the town of Etropole. Graduate from the University "Paissi Hilendarski" in Plovdiv, subject "Physics". In 1986 graduated in the Ministry of Interior Academy. In 1996 he completed specialized courses in the International Legal Academy FBI, and in 2002 the same Academy in the USA. In 2000 he successfully completed training courses in Scotland Yard, and in 2002 - in the Secret Service. Received in the structure of the Ministry of Interior in 1985. Consecutively he held the posts: Head of Regional Police Department in Asenovgrad (1997), Chief Police Service in Plovdiv (1998), Director Internal Affairs Regional Directorate in Plovdiv (2002), Head of the National Office for Combating Organized Crime (2004), Head of the National Police Service (2005), Secretary General of the Ministry of Interior (2007), Married with one daughter. On October 15th 2008 was elected member of the International Institute for Security and Cooperation General Assembly.

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