Rumen Petkov, Bulgaria
Chairman of the General Assembly of IISC
Born on 23 June 1961 in Pleven. He graduated from the Secondary School on Mathematics in his native town. He earned his university degree at the Faculty of Mathematics of the University "Paissi Hilendarski" in Plovdiv and specialized at the Economic Institute in Svishtov. In the period 1995 - 1999 he was elected a mayor of Pleven. In 1999 Mr. Petkov was appointed advisor on the coalition policy of the Bulgarian Socialist Party and since 2001 is a Deputy Chair of the Party's Supreme Council. Rumen Petkov was in charge the national pre-election center for three successive campaigns - for the election of president, local government and National Assembly. He is a Member of Parliament in the 39th and 40th National Assemblies. From August 2005 to April 2008 he was Minister of Internal Affairs. Rumen Petkov is married with two sons. Since October 15th 2008 he was elected General Assembly Chairman of the International Institute for Security and Cooperation.

Prof. Rumen Markov PhD, Bulgaria
Chair of the Governing Board of IISC \2008 - 2013\
Born on 2 May 1958 in Sofia, Bulgaria. Graduated from the National High school of Mathematics and Sciences and then graduated from the St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia University, Faculty of Law. Postgraduate of the University of Barcelona. Mr. Markov holds Doctor of Law degree and is a Professor of Criminal Law. From 1983 to 1985 worked as an investigator. In 1985, Mr.Markov was appointed a lecturer in the Police Academy of the Ministry of Interior and has been working since then. He has also served as an assistant professor, vice-chancellor and member of the Academy Council. In 2004, Markov became a rector of the Police Academy. Rumen Markov serves as a chairperson of the High-Level Council at the Permanent Commission on Force and Means Management for Crises at the Ministry of Interior. He is also a member of the State-Public Consultative Commission on crime prevention and the High Level Scientific Council on National Security at the High Attestation Committee (VAK). Rumen Markov is a member of the Police Leadership Association, the Council of Higher Schools Rectors and the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria. In 2006 he was promoted to the rank of Major General. Rumen Markov has published three monographs and a number of studies and articles on Criminal Law. He has been awarded with the Honorary Decorations of the Ministry of Interior - II and III class and a golden "Justice, Freedom and Security" medal. Rumen Markov is married with two children. From 15th of October 2008 he was elected Chairman of the International Institute for Security and Cooperation Board.

Abdulkadir Aksu, Turkey
Member of the General Assembly of IISC \2008 - 2017\
Born on 1944 in Diarbekir, Turkey. Graduated from the Ankara University, Faculty of Political Science. He worked as a trainee clerk in Diarbekir. Later hold office Deputy District Governor in various districts as Gench, Akchadaa, Doanshehir. In 1970 he completed courses for governors and is appointed District Governor of Kanak. During the period 1973 - 1976 he was District Governor of Sarakaya and since 1st of September 1976 until 30 January 1978 he was a Deputy District Governor (valia) of Kahramanmarash, Southeast Turkey. In 1980 was appointed Head and later Security Deputy Director General. On 29 August 1980 he was appointed Valia of Rize. During the period 9 September 1984 to 18 September 1987 he was Valia of Gaziantep. On 29 November 1987 he was elected MP from the leaves of the Fatherland Party. On 15 October he was elected member of the International Institute for Security and Cooperation General Assembly.

Dimitar Sabev, Bulgaria
Member of the General Assembly of IISC
Born on 26 August 1952 in Svilengrad. He graduated from the Sofia University "Kliment Ohridski", Faculty of Law. During the period 1980 - 1983 he majored in security and cooperation problems in Europe in the Diplomatic Academy of Ministry of Interior of the USSR. In 1990 he defended a doctoral dissertation on crises and conflicts in the Arab countries. In 2006 he was elected full member - Academician of the Security, Defense and Legal Order of the Russian Federation. In his job career he has consistently held the following positions: in 1976 as assistant judge in Sofia City Court with specialization in production for exequatur; during the period 1977 - 1980 in the Consular Unit of the Foreign legal sector; "Criminal aliens sector in Bulgaria and Bulgarian abroad"; in 1984 - "Arab Countries" Unit, Egypt, Libya and Sudan sector; during 1985 - 1988 - Consul and Regent in Bulgarian Embassy in South Yemen, Aden; 1989 - 1990 - head of Information and Analysis of Foreign Propaganda about Bulgaria; 1990 - 1991 - "Arab Countries" Unit Middle East sector; 1991 1992 - head of "Consular and Political office" at the Embassy of Bulgaria in Lebanon, Beirut; from 1992 so far is in the private business. Married with one child. Since October 15th 2008 was elected member of the International Institute for Security and Cooperation General Assembly.

Dragutin Mate - Slovenia
Member of the Governing Board of IISC
Born on 2 May 1963 in Slovenia. Married. During 1983 - 1987 he graduated from the University for sociology, political sciences, and journalism - faculty of "Defence science and politology". During the period 12.2004 - 11.2008 he served as a Minister of Internal Affairs of Republic of Slovenia; 07.2006 - 12.2008 - President of the Salzburg forum, Management and coordination of the forum. Mr. Mate has qualifications in public security and police, internal administrative affairs and migrations. He was a special guest, lecturer and participant in many Regional and International Conferences and meetings devoted to problems of Illegal Migrations, Organized Crime, Corruption and Terrorism during the period 2005 - 2008. Since April 26th 2009 was elected member of the International Institute for Security and Cooperation General Assembly. Since September 29th 2017 was elected member of Governing Board.

Alexander Torshin - Russian Federation
Member of the General Assembly of IISC \2013 - 2017\
Born on 27 November 1953. He graduated Vsesayuznii legal extramural Institute and Education Center at Moscow State University "Mikhail Lomonosov" for retraining of staff from universities in the field of psychological and pedagogical foundations of the learning process. Mr. Torshin is associate professor, candidate of legal sciences. He has many titles and medals: In 1997 was awarded a medal "On the occasion of 850 anniversary of Moscow"; In 2003 with the honorary title "Honoured Lawyer of the Russian Federation"; In 2003 was awarded a medal "On the occasion 300-year anniversary of Saint Petersburg"; In 2005 was awarded a medal "On the occasion 1000 anniversary of Kazan"; In 2008 was awarded a Honorary Order. Currently occupies the post of First Vice President of the Federation Council. Member of the Committee of the Council of Federations on regulation and organization of parliamentary activity. Member of the Committee of the Council of Federations on Information Policy. Since April 26th 2009 was elected member of the International Institute for Security and Cooperation General Assembly.

Center for Strategic Studies in Security and Defense to the department ‘National and Regional Security" of the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) - Bulgaria
Member of the General Assembly of IISC
The Center for Strategic Studies in Security and Defense (CSSSD) was established with Decision AC № 6/24.09.2008 of the Academic Council of UNWE, with statute of main service unit of the UNWE and the ‘National and Regional Security' department. Statute Regulations for the work of the Center were approved. The Center has inherited the experience and traditions in research, created and developed in the Scientific Laboratory ‘Industrial and Urban Systems" and Department ‘National and Regional Security'. Department ‘National and Regional Security" was established at the UNWE in 1990 with leading specialty ‘Economics of Defense and Security'. Within this specialty about 200 students per year are trained in different degrees, forms and short courses. The department provides education for bachelor and master degrees, specialty ‘Economics of Defense and Security' as well as master specializations (together with the ‘Intellectual Property' department) in ‘Corporate Security' and ‘Conflict logy and Security'. Since April 26th 2009 CSSD was elected member of the International Institute for Security and Cooperation General Assembly.

Dr. Ely Karmon - Izrael
Member of the General Assembly of IISC
Dr. Ely Karmon is Senior Research Scholar at The International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) and Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Policy and Strategy at The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzliya, Israel. He lectures on Terrorism and Guerrilla in Modern Times at IDC and CBRN terrorism at the M.A. Counterterrorism Studies at IDC. Associate Fellow, International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence (ICSR), London, a global centre dedicated to bringing together knowledge and leadership in order to counter the growth of radicalisation and political violence. He is a member of the International Permanent Observatory (IPO) on Security Measures during Majors Events at the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Turin, Italy.