General Assembly

This 15 October 2008, in Sofia, the International Institute for Security and Collaboration (IISC) was founded. This non-governmental organization initiated by Mr. Rumen Petkov was cordially accepted by many eminent followers, involved in our political and public life and also in the problems of security and protection of public order not only in Bulgaria, but also in international scale.
The basic topic for IISC this year will be: "COMBATING TRAFFICKING IN HUMAN BEINGS". Activities dedicated to the security of the Black-Sea region, the power safety and the struggle against the traffic of drugs shall be of priority, in partnership regarding the development of national and international projects.
This organization shall arrange and hold international and local conferences, shall publish reports, analyses and researches related to its goals, and shall also deal with non-governmental organizations, developing programs concerning security.
The founders and members of the IISC are:
- Ambassador Robert S. Gelbard - USA, Chairman of Washington Global Partners - consulting firm, specialized in crisis management and risk analysis, former US Ambassador to Bolivia and Indonesia;
- Brian Michael Jenkins - USA, Senior Advisor to the president of RAND Corporation on political violence and terrorism issues;
- Liubomir Mihajlovski - Republic of Macedonia, politician, Minister of Interior of the Republic of Macedonia 2004 - 2006, member of the Governing Board of IISC;
- Rodolfo Peykov - Italy, DEA (U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration) (ret.), Member AFNA (Association of Federal Narcotics Agents) and INEOA (International Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association);
- Prof. Rumen Markov, PhD - Bulgaria, Proffesor in criminal law. former Rector of the Academy of the Ministry of Interior, Chair of the Governing Board of IISC 2008 -2013;
- Prof. Svetla Toshkova - Bulgaria, Ph.D. in economy, former shief of Cabinet of the Vice-President of the Republic of Bulgaria, member of the Governing Board of IISC;
- Rumen Petkov - Bulgaria, Member of Parliament, Minister of Interior 2005 - 2008, Chairman of the General Assembly of IISC;
- Goran Yonov - Bulgaria, Ambassador, Deputy Minister of Interior 2007 - 2008 г., Chairman of Governing Board of IISC 20013-2017;
- Prof. Kamen Penkov - Bulgaria, Deputy Minister of Interior 2005 - 2008, member of the Governing Board of IISC, CEO of IISC;
- A Reserve Officer, General Valentin Petrov - Bulgaria, Director of National Service "Fight Against Organized Crime" 2004 - 2005, Director of National Service "Police" 2005 - 2007, Chief Secretary of the Ministry of Interior 2007 - 2008;
- A Reserve Officer, General Shandor Pinter - Hungary, Minister of Interior 1998 - 2002, 2010 till now;
- Abdulkadir Aksu - Turkey, Member of Parliament of Turkey, Minister of Interior 1989 - 1991 and 2002-2007;
- Dimitar Sabev - diplomat, jurist, consul;
- Alexander Torshin - occupies the post of First Vice President of the Federation Council of Russia; member of the Committee of the Council of Federations on regulation and organization of parliamentary activity; member of the Committee of the Council of Federations on Information Policy;
- Dragutin Mate - Minister of Internal Affairs of Republic of Slovenia; 07.2006 - 12.2008 - President of the Salzburg forum, Management and coordination of the forum, Member of Governing Board of IISC since 2017;
- Center for Strategic Studies in Security and Defense to the department ‘National and Regional Security" of the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) - Bulgaria - The Center for Strategic Studies in Security and Defense (CSSSD) was established with Decision of the Academic Council of UNWE, with statute of main service unit of the UNWE and the ‘National and Regional Security' department;
- Dr. Ely Karmon - Dr. Ely Karmon is Senior Research Scholar at The International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) and Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Policy and Strategy at The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzliya, Israel.